About Us
Hello And Shalom!
I am a very unique person. I consider myself a spiritual minded person. I can see the hand of God in every aspect of my life. Which has led me to where I am now store owner, model, and activist. My life history has been my training . Teaching me everyday how to love, help, train other women to be a stronger version of themselves.
This is why I am passionate about my work. This is Why I believe you should be passionate too.
My Story
My GOD of Israel saved me from the face of death more times than I can count. The tragedies and hardships I have endured in my life has made me the woman I am. Through it all life has taught me so much about the world and people in it. I have learned that love and compassion truly does conquer all. I choose kindness, love, compassion, and empathy to fill my heart in this world.
Here is a tiny bit on my biography:
I was born of a Jewish mother in 1983. She was a drug addict, and an alcoholic. She chose a life in and out of prison. She was a child abuser. Before I was eight months old, I had been severely abused. My arms and legs had been broken twice and left to heal on their own. My arms and legs had a fresh fracture when I was found. My skull had been fractured. My whole backside was black and blue; and my hips had been broken.
Growing up with the difficulty. I drew on a beautiful inner strength that could only have come from God up above.
Every day I had to overcome some kid making fun of me.
At 17 years old a miracle of miracles happened . I was in invited to NYC for a major life changing surgery.
At18 years old old I was spotted by a modeling company in NYC . I believe my love for all fine arts was born in the months I lived in New York City.
I have lived and traveled all over America and into Canada and Mexico. It is my heart and wish to travel throughout pieces of the world. I have been a motivational speaker on and off. Not enough to be professional, but enough that I am pleasing to God through the sharing of my heart and by encouraging others. I have lived in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Arizona, California, South Dakota, and New York. I have visited Mississauga,, Ontario. Along the border of Mexico.
My passion is putting just a small finger print in the world to make a difference.